Brighton attacker Mac Allister: Argentina players want Messi at next World Cup

Brighton attacker Alexis Mac Allister says Argentina’s players want Lionel Messi to play at World Cup 2026.

Mac Allister and Messi were both key parts of Lionel Scaloni’s side as they emerged victorious in Qatar at the end of last year.

The PSG star scored seven goals and added three assists in just seven games and as skipper, he led his nation to victory.

“He knows that we want everything as long as he wants and can, so hopefully he can continue with us,” Mac Allister told TyC Sports.

“Obviously I see Messi in the next World Cup. I have no doubt that at 40 or 45 he will continue to be the best in the world.

“He is very professional, you can see it, he is in perfect physical condition to continue playing calmly.

“And afterwards, he has everything in his head, beyond the physical (side of things) he has everything in his head. We don’t have any problem running for him.”

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